3 Months to POTS Recovery

Experience a comprehensive recovery package shaped by compassion and backed by science.

Recovery is a Process

With traditional treatment, you have to wait months between visits, often with specialists who address the symptoms, not the underlying causes.

POTS Care Package™ is different. Every day gives you the opportunity to improve, mitigate symptoms, and learn more about your condition on your way to recovery.

Guidance & Supplementation

Follow Dr. Driscoll for education and support at every step of recovery. Get powerful support for key bodily systems through specialized supplementation.


Lifestyle Training

Follow Dr. Driscoll for education and support at every step of recovery. Get powerful support for key bodily systems through specialized supplementation.


Wellness Monitoring

Follow Dr. Driscoll for education and support at every step of recovery. Get powerful support for key bodily systems through specialized supplementation.


“We must dramatically change how this condition is treated. With The Driscoll Approach™, we identify the underlying problems and give patients the validity they need when dealing with doctors and even friends and family.”

– Dr. Diana Driscoll, former POTS Patient & Creator of POTS Care Package™

POTS Care Package™ includes a one-of-a-kind smartphone app for your recovery journey through

Inflammatory POTS!

Listen to a free audio sample

What is Included in POTS Care Package™?

The POTS Care Package is a dramatic departure from the current approach to POTS! The result of cutting-edge research, this package discusses the role of chronic inflammation, intracranial pressure changes, vascular damage, and vagus nerve involvement. This package includes an app with three months of audio discussion to talk you through what this means for YOU. Along with this app you will receive:

Recovery Workbook & Journal

Easily track your progress with a detailed workbook and private journal, paired to Dr. Driscoll’s audio sessions.


Wearable Biofeedback

Biofeedback can be helpful to control surges of anxiety that are not uncommon with POTS. Once you have begun to address the medical issues causing your POTS, biofeedback can then be helpful. 


Choosing Your Food

Most Inflammatory POTS patients are incredibly sensitive. Learn how to locate food sensitivities while you work through recovery.


Activity & Exercise

Start slow with an exercise plan tailored for POTS patients. You can exercise anywhere, even in bed!


Is POTS Care Package™ Right for You?

Do you have Inflammatory POTS?

Answer 8 simple questions from our symptoms checklist to find out